Selasa, 23 September 2014

Thrifted Bed Makeover {Little Girl Bedroom Update}

Excuse me while I go cry in a corner.  Our "baby" is about to get a big girl bed.

It wasn't on purpose that she ended up with a new bed for her upcoming birthday.  It just sort of happened thanks to a lucky Goodwill find.  If you haven't been following along, we've been slowly transforming our little one's nursery.  (The big plans can be seen here.)  And since we moved in back in December, we never did anything to her very bare room because we knew this phase was right around the corner.

Here's the very blank before.  Not even a stitch of fabric on those windows or a single swipe of paint, y'all.  But this cute moment between Olivia and Robert makes it perfect anyway, right?

And guess what!  Still no paint or curtains.  (Did you think this was going to be the big reveal?  Sit tight, my friends.  We're slow pokes.)

But things are looking a bit different now.  About two months ago, I found the perfect bed for little miss Olivia's room in Goodwill for $25!  I debated and debated about it because we were really thinking a queen size would be better for when guests come to stay, and this one was a full.  After telling her about it, my sweet mom drove over to pick it up, and lucky for us, it was still there!

Ever have one of those moments when you see something great, debate about it, and leave it behind only to kick yourself later?  Thank goodness for my mommy. :)

That blurry snapshot of it in the thrift store may look nice to begin with, but believe me, it was all scuffed up, dirty, and needed some love.  And the paint job had dried drips and chips all over it.

So I chose to give it the same finish as my $15 dresser I found using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Old White.

Isn't it perfect?  I'm so glad, as fate would have it, we ended up with a full bed because a queen probably would have been cramped.

I really roughed it up. (I know completely contradictory since I just told you the before was scuffed and chipping, right?  There's shabby chic and then there's just plain ol' shabby.)  You want to know a secret?  That is dark brown chalk paint peeking through, not wood.  You can't even tell in person that it's not wood underneath.  I'll do anything to avoid stripping paint from furniture.

If the distressed trend ever passes (oh, I hope not), I can always go back over it with a coat of Old White again.

Olivia's sweet great-grandmother bought the bedding for her as a birthday present.  It's from Target, and I was really impressed with the quality.  Since we have company staying with us this weekend, she was nice enough to give it to us ahead of time.

We're getting there, slowly but surely.  The fabric for her curtains came in yesterday, and it is perfect!  I'm working on that project next.  I have a little bit of wall decor I've been creating too.  In a couple of weeks, I hope to have the room painted.

We may work at a snail's pace, but progress is progress.  I have to keep telling myself that when I get impatient.

If you liked this post, be sure to check out this one too. (Just click the image.)


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